Porter Sports Fall Girl’s Showcase

#PorterSports Fall Girl’s Showcase

“Be Coached by a College Coach who may be Recruiting You”

What is it – Porter Sports Fall Showcase, each camper will go through a series of skills and drills with College Coaches and Former College Coaches who will also be evaluating the campers. Campers will also be divided up on-site and placed on teams with other campers. Each camper will play 2 games each against others in front of Coaches and Evaluators.

Porter Sports Watch List

All Players that attend the Porter Sports Fall Girl’s Showcase will be added to the Porter Sports Watch List. The Porter Sports Watch List is a database of information on players that attends camp. The Watch List is sent to ONLY College Coaches at all levels.

Porter Sports Fall Showcase

Register HERE


Social Media Hashtag: #PorterGirlsShowcase